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Software Engineer (m/f/d) for Public Transport Software

Berufserfahrene, Absolventen

We are looking for Software Engineers (m/f/d) in Rome, Italy

  • who want to actively shape our IT solutions, used worldwide for planning and optimizing fleets, drivers and tours
  • who have not only mastered programming languages but bring a fundamental understanding of object orientation
  • who can implement complex requirements using modular architecture resulting in robust software
  • who want to assume responsibility for challenging development tasks
  • who are proactive thinkers and who develop convincing ideas

As a Software Engineer (m/f/d)

  • you will work as part of a growing and diverse team located in Rome and Germany
  • you will shape our products all the way starting from requirements gathering, through implementation, and up to the point of delivery
  • you will work in close cooperation with our product engineers to meet the daily needs of our customers within a project setting
  • you will develop using state of the art IT standards such as UML, C++, Java/JEE and JBOSS Application Server

We are looking for colleagues (m/f/d)

  • who have an academic background in software engineering
  • who are fluent in English – additionally German language skills are nice to have
  • who have a clear goal in mind and structure their tasks before implementing code
  • who enjoy complex tasks for solutions that are visible in our urban environment
  • who appreciate both the creative scope of an internationally operating company as well as individual interaction in an open team culture


Senden Sie uns Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen per Mail an job@ivu.de oder klicken Sie auf den Bewerbenbutton:

Apply now

If you have any questions about our current job openings or your application, feel free to get in touch. Simply send an e-mail or give us a call.
We look forward to hearing from you!

What we offer

  • Open-ended employment contracts
  • Personalised development opportunities
  • Career breaks
  • Sport and leisure activities
  • Free drinks and vitamin-rich snacks
  • Childcare allowances
  • Public transport allowance
  • Capital-forming benefits
Stellenangebote und Jobs der IVU

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